Wow..  Chelsea 2013. I was in raptures for some of the plants compilations and shall be happily influenced by what I saw. A shimmer of recognition passes through me when I see plants that I have included in my own designs. Also an altruistic joy that so many other people get to see these plants that they may not encounter with their usual plants suppliers.

I was delighted by the consistent use of native plants across the show gardens because this is such a positive message to be giving to everyone. Sometimes we forget that our own native UK plants are beautiful in their own right and provide much needed pollen and nectar for our pollinating insects and birds, as well as much needed cover for small mammals. My new retort when asked by clients “is that a weed?” is “native plant” thus placing the emphasis on keep rather than indiscriminately destroy!

I hope you enjoy the small gallery of photographs I took during my visit to Chelsea 2013.